loan periods & late fees
Loan Periods
(page 6 of the Borrowing Policy)
1. Library materials are lent for a period of 21 days, with the following exceptions:
a. New Release DVDs: 3 days at participating libraries
b. Rental Books, TV series (New Release Seasons), videos, video games and DVDs: 7 days
c. OverDrive titles: 7 or 14 days
d. TV Series; older seasons: 14 days
e. Magazines: At the discretion of the library
f. Reference materials circulate at the discretion of the library.
g. Interlibrary Loan (non-CCLS member): due date set by the lending institution.
2. The length of time or number of items of a certain type (e.g., holiday books, books on specific subjects or by specific authors) that patrons may borrow may be temporarily limited at the discretion of a member library. Any limits must be publicly posted and for a specific period of time. When the designated period of time has expired, the restriction will be promptly removed. (Examples: during the month of February, Black History books may be set to a circulation period of two weeks. On March 1, the circulation period shall be reset to the original three weeks. At Christmas, a member library may find it necessary to limit the number of holiday books borrowed by any one person based on the size of the collection.)
3. Institutional/teacher loans: extended loan periods may be offered to teachers, institutions and organizations at the discretion of a member library’s Director or designee.
4. Loan limits exist to enable fair access to the libraries’ materials. Patrons are limited to borrowing up to 100 items total.
5. Patrons may borrow multiple copies of the same title at the same time.
6. Loan periods on 21-day materials may be extended at the discretion of circulation staff for a variety of reasons: vacations, illness, physical impairment, etc. However, the loan period may not exceed seven weeks (49 days). High demand items (titles with holds) are not to be extended.
(partial; see page 7 of Borrowing Policy)
1. Renewals are granted dependent upon:
a. material type
b. the presence of a request for the material by another patron (i.e. hold)
2. Items for which other patrons have placed holds may not be renewed.
3. Most materials may be renewed twice providing a hold for the material has not been placed by another patron, with the exception of OverDrive titles which have unlimited renewals provided the title is not on hold for another patron.
Overdue Fines/Fees
(page 8 and following)
1. Items not returned by the due date will be charged overdue fines as follows:
Adult Materials - 25¢/day ($10 max.)
(Books, Audiobooks, Magazines, Music CDs, Videocassettes/DVDs/Blu-rays)
Children's Materials - 15¢/day ($10 max.)
(Books, Audiobooks, Music CDs, Videocassettes/DVDs/Blu-rays)
Software/Video Games - 25¢/day ($20 max.)
Rental Books - 25¢/day ($10 max.)
Museum Passes, Mobile Hotspots and other Equipment –daily fine determined by the owning library ($20/day max.)
2. Borrowing privileges will be suspended when the amount of money owed reaches or exceeds $10.00 in fines and/or fees.
3. No fines will be charged on the days the owning library is closed.
4. Staff will inform patrons of money owed each time the patron borrows materials.
5. For a detailed description of notices, how and when they are sent, please see the Notice section.